Index of values

active_only [Acml]

Reduce updating to the following list of states.

add_colormap [Acml]

add_colormap a name f adds a new view which is just a colormap giving a representation for each state (function f).

add_description [Acml]

Add some info about the object or the family.

add_init_conf [Acml]

Set the initial configuration.

add_measurement [Acml]

Add a measurement.

add_mem_info [Acml]

add_mem_info n is invoked to declare that n additional bytes are used in the computation of the current rule.

add_modif [Acml]

Add a modif method referenced in the user interface by its name.

add_shortcut [Acml]

Add a shortcut to quickly load an ACml object generated by the current file with a particular combination of parameters.

add_snapshot [Acml]

Add a snapshot method referenced in the user interface by its name.

add_view [Acml]

Add a new view which is defined by a function which given current position and a reading function (x, y, read_universe) returns a representation.

addto_scenario [Acml]

Add an action to the end of the scenario.

apply [Acml]

apply_builtin name a applies the transformation called name on object a.

arity [Acml]

Return the current arity (number of neighbours) of the CA.

bool_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.param but with a boolean type.

ca_random [Acml]

Pseudo-random generator reserved to cellular automata generation.

ca_random_float [Acml]

Same as Acml.ca_random but for floats.

cardinality [Acml]

Return the current number of states of the CA.

centercell [Acml]

When defining a local rule, the states of neighbours is given through an array of states.

choice_array_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.param but with a array of string to choose from.

choice_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.param but with a list of string to choose from.

clean_decorations [Acml]

Remove all parameters / documentation / user colormaps and user modif methods.

clear [Acml]

Clear the content of the given draw_context.

clear_scenario [Acml]

Clear the current scenario.

color_gradient [Acml]

Utility function to handle color gradients.

conf_random [Acml]

Pseudo-random generator reserved to configuration generation.

conf_random_float [Acml]

Same as Acml.conf_random but for floats.

declare_deterministic [Acml]

Deprecated: rules are now considered deterministic by default.

declare_file_type [Acml]

declare_file_type name extension_list simply tell the GUI that file having extension in extension_list are interesting and give a name to that set of files.

declare_object [Acml]

declare_object name simply tell the GUI that name is a valid shorcut to try that will produce an interesting object.

declare_stochastic [Acml]

Disable all cache mechanism to allow successive calls of the local function with identical neighbourhood to possibly give different results.

dimension [Acml]

Return the current dimension of the CA.

doc_action [Acml]

doc_action a name explanations associates explanations to the action name.

doc_param [Acml]

doc_param a name explanations associates explanations to parameter name.

ensure_determinism [Acml]

Add a cache mechanism in order to ensure determinism: two successive calls of the local function with the same neighborhood will produce the same result.

file_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.string_param but, in the user interface, the value given can be changed via a file selection dialog.

filter_params [Acml]

filter_params a filter removes all parameters that do not satisfy the filter filter.

float_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.param but with type float.

get_bool_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a boolean param.

get_builtin_names [Acml]

This function gives the list of available buitin transformations.

get_choice_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a choice param.

get_external_names [Acml]

This function gives the list of currently available external transformations (loaded from a file since the program started).

get_float_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a float param.

get_name [Acml]

Get the name of the family.

get_object_name [Acml]

Get the name of the object being constructed.

get_param [Acml]

Return current value of the parameter.

get_representation [Acml]

Give the current representation of a cell.

get_state_name [Acml]

Get the name of a given state.

get_stop_time [Acml]

Get the stop time (if negative, no stop will be applied).

get_string_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a string param.

get_universe_size [Acml]

Return the dimensions of the universe chosen by the user.

get_view [Acml]

Give the name of currently chosen view.

get_views [Acml]

Give the list of names of currently available views.

group_param [Acml]

group_param a name list creates a group called name containing all parameters in list.

gui_button [Acml]

Produce a clickable button with a label and an associated action.

gui_drawing_area [Acml]

Produce a GUI element (to place inside other GUI elements) together with a drawing context (to do actual drawings later).

gui_full_label [Acml]

Produce a label containing text to display together with a function to update label content.

gui_hbox [Acml]

Produce a GUI element consisting of a list of horizontally aligned GUI elements

gui_label [Acml]

Produce a label containing text to display.

gui_textbox [Acml]

Produce a scrollable text box GUI element.

gui_textbuffer [Acml]

Produce a scrollable text box GUI element and a function to later add more text in it.

gui_vbox [Acml]

Produce a GUI element consisting of a list of vertically aligned GUI elements

gui_window [Acml]

Display a window containing a GUI element.

infomsg [Acml]

Send a message to be printed by the user interface.

initial [Acml]

initial ac returns true if and only if ac is a first generation ACml object (i.e.

initialize [Acml]

Make the given ACml object a first generation object and reset almost everything in the object to a default value.

kernel_cast [Acml]

Cast an object to the internal type used in the kernel.

neednewac [Acml]

Return whether user requested a new AC.

neednewconf [Acml]

Return whether user requested a new configuration.

neighbors [Acml]

neighbors a gives the list of neighbors as coordinate pairs.

param [Acml]

Creates a parameter in the user interface.

point [Acml]

Draw a point in the given draw_context.

poly_add_colormap [Acml]

Same as Acml.add_colormap but using polymorphic alphabet.

poly_add_init_conf [Acml]

Set the initial configuration for polymorphic functions.

poly_add_measurement [Acml]

Same as Acml.add_measurement but in polymorphic version.

poly_add_modif [Acml]

Same as Acml.add_modif but in polymorphic version.

poly_add_snapshot [Acml]

Same as Acml.add_snapshot but in polymorphic version.

poly_add_view [Acml]

Same as Acml.add_view but using polymorphic alphabet.

poly_get_representation [Acml]

Same as Acml.get_representation but using polymorphic alphabet.

poly_get_state_name [Acml]

Same as Acml.get_state_name but in polymorphic version

poly_set_multiset_rule [Acml]

This function is to Acml.poly_set_rule what Acml.set_multiset_rule is to Acml.set_rule.

poly_set_rule [Acml]

Equivalent to Acml.set_rule but for states of arbitrary type, the alphabet being given as argument.

poly_set_rule_fun [Acml]

This function is to Acml.poly_set_rule what Acml.set_rule_fun is to Acml.set_rule.

poly_set_state_name [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_state_name but in polymorphic version

radius [Acml]

Return the current radius of the CA.

rectangle [Acml]

Draw a rectangle in the given draw_context.

relativecell [Acml]

relativecell a i j gives array index corresponding to the neighbour specified by relative Cartesian coordinates (i,j), (0,0) corresponding to the current cell.

remove_param [Acml]

Remove a given parameter.

set_bool_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a boolean param.

set_cardinality [Acml]

set_cardinality a n specifies that the alphabet is the set set of integers from 0 to n-1.

set_choice_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a choice param.

set_cross_neighborhood [Acml]

Set a cross-shaped neighbourhood of given radius (all cells having exactly one non-zero coordinate, and less than the given radius in absolute value).

set_cross_neighbourhood [Acml]

British version of set_cross_neighborhood.

set_dimension [Acml]

set_dimension a d sets the integer lattice of dimension d.

set_float_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a float param.

set_moore_neighborhood [Acml]

Set a Moore neighbourhood of given radius (all cells having all their coordinates less than the given radius in absolute value).

set_moore_neighbourhood [Acml]

British version of set_moore_neighborhood.

set_multiset_rule [Acml]

Similar to Acml.set_rule but assuming that the rule is invariant by any permutation of neighbours.

set_multiset_rule_fun [Acml]

Acml.set_multiset_rule_fun is similar to Acml.set_multiset_rule but with a functional description of the neighbourhood.

set_name [Acml]

Give a name to the family.

set_object_name [Acml]

Give a name to the object being constructed.

set_param [Acml]

Force the value of a parameter.

set_rule [Acml]

Set the transition rule.

set_rule_fun [Acml]

Similar to Acml.set_rule but the transition rule in this case has acces to the value of neighbours through a reading function.

set_state_name [Acml]

Give a name to some state.

set_stop_time [Acml]

Set the stop time (if negative, no stop will be applied).

set_string_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.set_param but for a string param.

set_universe_size [Acml]

Set the dimensions of the universe (for dimension 1, second argument is the time anticipation).

set_view [Acml]

Set the view given by its name.

set_vonneumann_neighborhood [Acml]

Set a von Neumann neighbourhood of given radius (all cells whose sum of absolute value of coordinates is less than the given radius).

set_vonneumann_neighbourhood [Acml]

British version of set_vonneumann_neighborhood.

size [Acml]

Return the size of a drawing context.

std_params [Acml]

Creates standard parameters dimension, states, radius and neighborhood using default values given (if any).

string_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.param but with a string type.

text_param [Acml]

Same as Acml.string_param but, in the user interface, multiline string values are easier to manipulate.

valid [Acml]

valid transfo sends the transformation function transfo to the main program and terminates.

valid_hook_plugin [Acml]

Register a hook which is triggered when the user gives a 'shortcut string' matching regular expression pattern.

valid_plugin [Acml]

valid_plugin transfo sends the transformation function transfo to the main program and terminates.